Sulochanana Sreelatha Nair
as an Expert in Canadian Immigration and Settlement
If the ownership of innovation and foresight to create Destine
and Coast To Coast Immigration Consultancy Services is that of
Major Nair, it has been made possible through the constant support
and dedication of Gopalakrishnan Sulochanana Sreelatha Nair. Her
commitment makes her one of the most significant spirit behind
Coast To Coast and Destine
The scale of this potential is possible because of the extent of
the ambition that the company sets for itself- to foster new
thinking that will tackle the pressing issues faced by the
immigration consultancy services industry today. The company also
sets out to achieve its aims in an imaginative and innovative way,
stimulating operational research within, and market evaluation
across many disciplines. This initiative will provide a focus
around which a distinct company can cluster, interact and grow
which will establish a core of Coast To Coast clients and staff
through whom it will be ensured that the vision behind its
creation becomes a reality
Coast To Coast is committed to encourage to working in an
integrated way, bringing together leading skilled professionals,
and business men to focus on the same theme but from different
disciplinary perspectives.
Sreelatha Nair Gopalakrishnan Sulochanana is a
member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council(ICCRC ID-R411255). She has also audited a course in Immigration Law
(LAW-377) from the Faculty of Law,
University of
British Columbia
Efforts in Landscape Architecture
A turning point in her career was receiving the Scroll of Honor
for Landscaping the Cariappa
Memorial Park
in Bangalore. This project received wide media attention and a
positive response from public. This subsequently inspired her
study in Masters in Landscape Architecture from University of
British Columbia, School of Architecture and Landscape
Architecture and she got involved in planning and designing of
similar projects in Canada
Master in Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University, Master in
Landscape Architecture, University of British Columbia, Canada-May
2006, member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council,
President Microprotech Industries Inc, Canada, Director Destine
Canada Immigration Consultancy Services, Sr.Director Coast To
Coast Immigration Consultancy Services Private Limited, Recepient
Prime Minister of India Scroll of Honor for Landscaping of
Carriappa Park, Bangalore, Former Agriculture Officer Government
of Kerala, Former Training Assossiciate in Poject KVK of Indian
Council of Agricultural Research., Former Resource Person All
India Radio ,DoorDarshan Trivandrum and Bangalore, Soorya,and
Kairali TVs .

has a strong desire to create vibrant accessive and
environmentally sensitive Landscapes. She wants people to feel
connected to their surroundings.
Great grand daughter of Chatayam
Thirunal Itammar Ravi Verma Thampuran of Kilimanoor palace
Sreelatha, was born in Thiruvananthapuram at Medayam House,
the Summer Retreat of Advocate Thanappan Thampi (Maternal Great
Grand Father) who was a “Munsif” at
Takkala Court
After her Masters degree in Agriculture from Kerala Agriculture
University, she started her career as Agriculture officer with
Government of Kerala, and was on deputation to Mitraniketan Krishi
Vigyan Kendra in a Transfer of Technology project of Indian
Council of Agriculture Research. During this time Sreelatha
married Major Gopalakrishnan Nair in 1987 and got the opportunity
to travel extensively in India throughout their army carrier.
has a strong passion for music and is a lead singer at SaiBhajans
in Canada . They have a daughter who is a graduate from University Of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada and a son who is also a graduate from University Of British Columbia with a passion to persue his career in solar energy.
The Vision
Destine Canada and Coast To Coast Immigration Consultancy Services
is a truly visionary enterprise – a unique dependable resource
to the temporary and Permanent Entry seekers to the wonderful land
- Canada. |